Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas food 2009 part 1

It's true. I love singing Christmas songs. The only place were I feel it is acceptable, is at Camp Steven's. My friend Jenne's(frequently mentioned and one of two of my subscribers, and of course best friend) parents, Vicki and Peter, help run Camp Steven's. Every Christmas they have a delightful caroling party at their home on the camp. The home is filled with friends and family, delicious food and colorful Christmas decorations. A warm feeling of home and love. After much noshing and nibbling we gather around the piano and are guided to sing our little hearts out. Truly so filled with Christmas spirit and love for those around you. A booklet of Christmas songs and holiday cheer, you feel like that kid again doing one of those recitals we are all familiar with. You become an 8yr-old spontaneously who just wants to sing and dance and show your stuff. Not something that's part of my Christmas tradition but very much welcomed and needed.

The Spread:

Artichoke dip made by Jenne. Creamy and delicious. The meats and cheeses: Ham, turkey, smoked salmon, blue cheese, aged jack, and brie...A slight hint to make your own sandwiches. Homemade goat cheese...yes, homemade. There was a mashed potato bar/buffet. Basically build your own mashed potato mound. Your options of toppings are: Bacon, cheese, sour cream, gravy, and other things I can't seem to remember...but they were excellent choices to put on your mashed up goodness I'm sure. Which if you are like me and love mashed potatoes as much as I do and would have them as a dessert...this idea is absolutely genius! Lots of beer and wine and libations galore. My favorite thing that was there on the table, surpassing the mashed potatoes...Pecan Dreams! YES! The Pecan Dreams are also known as Snowballs or Russian tea cakes. These are my favorite cookies EVER. Bite size buttery crisp-ness with pieces of pecan, formed into a little ball, and dipped in powder sugar so you can just toss it into your mouth. SO good!! Makes you want to smack yo' momma..."Momma!".

The next day we woke up and made breakfast. When I say "we", I mean everyone else except me. I didn't do anything which I feel bad about. BUT, I truly appreciate everyone who stepped up and made breakfast happen. The waffles, eggs, and potatoes were amazing and you guys(Steven, Tracie, Kaitlyn, Jenne and Howie) rocked. Special thanks to all that made this adventure in Julian happen. Howie for the ride. Peter and Vicki for their beautiful home and hospitality. Jenne for her ability to put up with all our craziness. Also, Peter and Vicki, thanks for showing me the trip to Tanzania you captured. Looks like you guys had a blast! I learned that lions during mating season, mate every 7-15 minutes. That is a lot of hoochie coochie as my mom would say. Goodtimes:)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Viva Cuba!

I have family everywhere and in every country it seems. A couple of years ago, my family had the privilege to meet the best Cuban family in the world. They came as refugees to this country without anything only clothes and pictures of a hard life they left behind. Since that faithful day they have bettered their lives and giving back to those less fortunate. Such a loving and beautiful family I feel eternally grateful to know them.

Every visit I make with my mom to their home is such a treat. Not only for our hearts but for our stomachs. As soon as we sit down at the table my Cuban grandma Yaya sets down plate after delicious plate of authentic Cuban food. Made with all the love and skill that little Yaya can muster. She's absolutely adorable, you seriously want to put her in your pocket. Yayo(Cuban grandpa) is so cute and adorable you just want to pinch his widdle cheeks and hold his hand forever.

The other day mom and I went. Yaya started us off with a nice espresso Cubano. We sip sipped away until the dishes showed up. On the menu: pork stew, chicken and potatoes, fried plantain chips, black beans, rice, and torrejas for dessert. The torrejas are like a french toast except fried a little longer topped with simple sugar syrup. In Costa Rica they use a sugar cane syrup. I love Yaya's torrejas. They are so rich but delicious. We ate and ate and ate, until we were stuffed. Yaya wondered why I didn't eat more. I said I was satisfied and don't eat as much as I did. Trying to be healthy and not eat too much. She turned to my mom and said, she didn't like it. I laughed and tried to convince her that everything was delicious but I wanted to watch my weight and be healthy. Finally after much pleading and playful arguing she accepted my decline...still looking at me unconvinced that I was telling her the truth. Next time I will go with an empty stomach and eat my brains out, just so I won't hurt Yaya's feelings.

I heart this family so much. They treat us like family. Lots of love and tremendous affection we share. They will be spending their holiday in Cuba with their family. I hope they have a safe trip filled with good food and good times. Happy holidays!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Turkey curry and the spirit of X-mas

Yes, it's Christmas time, or should I say holiday time. Whatever you celebrate, I'm pretty sure you are not with people you dislike. We tend to surround ourselves with people we like/love a lot. I think that is the main goal. Sharing our love and time with those that love us back is something truly special, or sharing our time with those that are less fortunate is a great gesture to humanity and to the holiday spirit. Trying to keep that alive during these challenging times is what separates us from the beast. THAT is the reason. I think if God were involved in some way which She tends to get suckered into these situations. She wouldn't want us to say "I am the reason for the season!". She, being humble, modest, and not narcissistic would want us to love, accept, and not judge each other. To, another words, come together and love.

Anyway, this holiday season I am really happy and thrilled and really looking forward to it. I'm cheerful about the holidays. Not about the gifts, because I do not give anyone anything other than my nieces and a few children a little something. More so one the people I plan on spending the holidays with. My friends, being family more or less, try each year to make a commitment and see each other before the new year. doesn't work all the time but that is the gift we give. No presents. Honestly, that's the gift I ever want from anyone....that and food of course:)

Last night I was invited over to Ms. Jenne's, sorta last minute situation, for some turkey curry. We had our choice of toppings. Toppings: Dried figs, almonds, BACON, green onions, and hard boiled egg. I had everything except for the eggs since they hurt my tummy. I've never had curry this way w/ toppings. I came to the conclusion that toppings on any kind of food is always a good idea. Sundaes, pizza, baked potato, salads, tostadas...etc. Every bite was exciting and filled with little joys around every corner. You had the crunch, you had the sweetness, you had the salty...and you had a party in your mouth. Rice being underneath it all. Oh rice, how I love you. Jenne, decided to do a side dish of fresh green beans topped with fried onions. We then discovered that the fried onions works well on anything....maybe even perhaps ice cream. KIDDING!

After our faces were stuffed with delicious turkey curry and seasoned green beans, we decided to go around the neighborhood and look at the Christmas decorations. Mr. Howie told us, "Be prepared to get ass raped by Christmas!"....such a way with words that gentle man. With a quick stop at 7-11 for some slurpees, drinks, pork rinds, and sour patch kids...we were off on a gay adventure(gay meaning happy). South Park was filled with lots of decorations! However, because we had a storm the day before, a lot of the decorations were down and not on. Sad:(. We still had loads of fun though. The night was ended with a soothing nutella hot cocoa topped with fresh vanilla whipped cream. Yummy:) It was a special night and I thank all that made it happen. Remember, this time of year is not about presents but more importantly presence in the lives of those you love.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


I have amazing friends. They all have extraordinary talents and make life least for me. I was fortunate enough to get invited to EVEN BIGGER NIGHT at Mr. Howie’s house. If you are familiar with the 1996 movie Big Night with Tony Shalhoub and Stanley Tucci you get the reference. We had Timpano like they did in the movie. Timpano is an enigma of sorts. The best way to describe it is kinda like a calzone but with pasta. Which I have made fun of those pasta bowls from that one pizza chain restaurant. I mean really? Past in a bowl? I don’t get it! Let me tell you about Timpano. It had about 2 pounds of pasta, penne, thick cuts of salami, meatballs, marinara sauce, hardboiled eggs, and cheese. That is all incased in a thin dome crust. Everything weighed like 15 pounds or about the size of Evol the cat.

The evening was wonderful. Old and new friends sprinkled the table as the plates were being set. Laughter and smiles all around. Endless giggle fits between Zhee and I. Louis Prima floating in the air as beverages were being filled and butts were finding seats. The night was a celebration of the geometric figure...the DOME. Gotta love Jenne and Howie for their wacky sense of humor and theme.

The Timpano was delicious. The meatballs tasty and big. The salami EPIC! The pasta and sauce...fugetaboutit! The side dish of polenta and grilled veggies was outstanding. Sweet delicious veggies: egg plant, peppers, onions, and I think zucchini. Then there was dessert! Oh man, I mean really how can a dessert top this? Well, it did. We had a zuccotto which is a sliced pound cake decoratively placed in a bowl and then there’s cream filling and alcohol and nuts and chocolate involved and it’s just really freakin’ delicious. I want my wedding cake to be made out of this stuff because it’s completely everyway.

Monday, August 24, 2009

What a feeling, bein's believin'....

Sundays are special days. My belief is that Sundays should be spent with people you love and care about. Friends, family or lovers. It's a lazy day but filled with quality time. I spent yesterday...which was Sunday, started out w/ lunch date: Ginny and Howie and then dinner at Jenne's. Usually when I go to Jenne's and eat she has me stirring something. By this point I consider myself a MASTER stirrer. Inside the tiniest kitchen in the world you see the genius of Jenne. "What are you making Jenne?", I question. "Eh, something. It's gonna be delicious!" she hooted. Watching her sous chefs rhythmically dancing in a candence of chops and stirs, one could compare this to an intense episode of IRON CHEF. Erasure blaring in the background I have discovered is the best music to cook to. Awesome.

I commence the stirring:Shallots, and garlic w/ oil..I think? Then we added the cubed eggplant Howie chopped, stirred some more, then cubed zucchini, stirred some more, then we added a bunch of tomatoes. Stirred, then put the lid on the pot and let it have fun inside. I believe we were making a sort of Ratatouille. In the oven was baby carrots, potatoes, onions, and cumin...maybe other things were added but I can't remember. Steven was there and provided the music and did other things. So everything is baking, and cooking, and salt, and pepper are added, and other things....finito! It is time to eat. Everything was pretty simply prepared but it was very delicious. I was refreshed! I could use some more of the dinner we made yesterday. Perhaps with some would be even MORE epic...which is hard to imagine!

Not chocolate but CHOCLO!

I hate to say that summer seems to be winding down. It's strange to me being born and raised in S. California that summer seems to end. People think it's summer all the time here...but it's not. There's a whole attitude and lifestyle behind's not all about the weather. San Diego I would describe the summers here as "The town were there's never an excuse to be inside". Unless, you are sick and even then it's not by choice that you are the spiritless world of the indoors. Lame.

Grilling is typically a summer thing all over the US. Here in SD it happens pretty frequent...possibly once a week...if not more:) My best friend that I've known since 2nd leaving for a year a broad. Destination:Italy...hehe that bitch! So in the spirit of coming together and wishing her fun adventures and safe travels our families reunited for an awesome going away party.

The menu:
Thin steak or carne asada(marinated)
Marinated chicken legs
fruit salad
tamale asado
tortilla...make your own tacos:)

So let's start with the Choclo. It is a type of large corn that is found in South America. The dish is cooked in many South American countries mainly Ecuador, Chile and Peru. The best way I can describe it...cornbread for the cholitos(indigenous people of the Andea's). The way it was presented at the party was in a form of a pie...pie tin. It has egg, corn meal/flour(?) choclo, herbs, spices...lot's of good stuff. We had "hot", "not too hot" and "not hot at all", versions of the Choclo. On to the grill. My bestie Ginny and her mom made the marinade for the carne asada and chicken legs. Lots of vinegar, salt/pepper, cilantro, onions, garlic, lemons, oil and the rest I have no idea but it was damn good! Ginny's mom also makes this amazing fruit salad...which is my favorite. She puts watermelon, mangos, strawberries, grapes, and I think that's it...can't think of the other things she puts in, but it is just the perfect thing to eat at the end of your meals. My mom made her bezcocho which is masa mixed with cheeses and taste like a really thick cheesy small tortilla. She also made a tamal asado which is prepared the same way bezcocho is except it's sweet not salty. The ingredient that makes it sweet is coconut milk and sugar. Yummy. Typically the bezcocho and tamal asado are had during the 9 days of prayer when some passes away...but my mom makes whenever because it is a rare treat and probably/maybe the only Tica(Female Costa Rican) that knows how to make it the US. I made myself a carne asada taco and grabed a chicken leg and filled my plate with salad, Choclo, rice and beans. Those were the highlights of the potluck. All the other snackies were also good. Everyone had a great time and were stuffed to the max! I'm gonna miss you Ginny but hopefully I will make it to Spain and you can go visit me there:) Ciao!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Roast beef a go-go!

I love to go shopping at Pancho Villa. It's this market on El Cajon Blvd that's pretty cheap and the produce is great quality. So today, was hot...but despite it being hot I braved the pave and went to Pancho Villa. They have the best refried beans and fresh out of the oven, 2 seconds ago, bread. Every time we go...we always buy a large refried beans(Last us for a week and cost about $5 or $6) and 4 bread buns for $1(Really good if you have a BBQ coming up and you want to eat the sausage in something. Also makes great sandwiches) good. Anyway, my mom wanted to make a stew tonight but since they did not have stew meat I bought a roast instead. Best decision that I made all day.

So mom put the roast in the pressure cooker with her spices and baby carrots, potatoes and celery. To me this is comfort food. The juice from the meat is so damn good I would eat it with rice...hell, I would drink it in a cup. The meat was a little crispy on the outside since she seared it first then so nice and juice on the inside. Excellent cut of meat. My mom makes a KILLER roast. So good. It not only is a cheap meal but it's pretty damn easy to make. Don't over think it. The veggie were cheap. The roast cost about $5 or $6...not bad. I don't understand why people don't eat at home more often. I finished the evening with a nice walk to the dog park with Lola. Can't wait for leftovers:)

Shrimp Bonanza!

Finally I am back! There has been too much going on. With my birthday, pride weekend, and my phone taking a dip in the's made things difficult for blogging(since I had lots of pics on my other Rest assured please sit back and enjoy the food. Maybe make a cocktail. Have someone rub your feet.

My birthday menu:
16 pounds of shrimp, corn and red potatoes(cajun spices/boiled)
Jumbalaya(Minus shrimp since we had a lot already)
Mom's ceviche(Tilapia)
Salt Pepper Chicken Wings(You haven't lived...must try)

I've always wanted to have a seafood bake or boil as it turned out to be....still delicious. We bought SO much shrimp since about 33 people RSVP. I wanted there to be plenty food and boy was there. I had leftovers for about a week. The shrimp we boiled(Cajun spices) was great! Spicy and satisfying. I had at least 2 dozen...yummy. Jambalaya made by Jenne was fantastic. Perfect heat and really good...ate that for 3 days straight. Cupcakes/Pubcakes made by the fabulous Misty. They had some sorta beer and chocolate taste. I'm no expert but I do call myself an expert eater and these cupcakes were really good. SPANK ME good. People were eating them and moaning...I mean that says it all...don't you think? Mom's ceviche...always great. Salt and Pepper chicken wings...these are my favorite and thank you Liz and Eric for bringing them. You really haven't lived until you bite into these amazing salt and pepper chicken wings with red pepper flakes and green onion garnish...I think about these at least once a day. I'm just sad I don't have pictures of all the food.

Howie, made a shrimp bisque with some of the leftover shrimp. I am sad to say...I didn't get to try any! Damn my sister and my mom. At least they said it was DELICIOUS. So yay...great birthday meal. EPIC. Thank you every one for everything. It was a special day with great food and amazingly epic people. Love ya! Muah!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Brunch and such

So I took a little break from blogging since we had a holiday last week. Today I've posted 2 delicious entries!

Today, I had a brunch thingy at Jenne's along with my buddy Howie. Jenne made some yummy boiled then sauteed potatoes with onions/scallions(?), garlic and other yummy things. I brought chicken apple sausages and Jenne cooked them while I poked holes so they wouldn't explode everywhere. Howie brought Heath bar scones....epic: ) Howie made these scones, and let me tell GOOoooooood. We sat around and ate and talked while Nino Bravo played in the background(Think Spain's answer to Tom Jones). Such a beautiful way to start the day. After eating we saw a movie. 'MOON' was entertaining. It starred Sam Rockwell, one of my favorite actors. He was great in the film. Howie decided to get a GI-normous popcorn which we only ate half and brought the rest home for my mom and sister. That was my off to have more fun! ::::ZOOOOOOOOOOM:::::

Peruvian Ceviche

There's nothing I love more than lemons. I love to drink them in the form of lemonade. I love them in food. I love the way it smells. I love their color. I heart lemons...and anything that is citrus really. One of my favorite dishes that has lemons in it is CEVICHE! Lemons and summer go hand and hand. Ceviche and summer go hand in mouth.

Now it has been argued by many as to whom invented ceviche. Everyone knows the Peruvians invented all those who claim they invented it...ha ha dream on! Ceviche is basically fish cooked in lemon juice....or marinated. It's delicious and probably one of my favorite dishes I remember my father making, and making it very well. My mom has learned how to make it and she does it pretty well.

This time around she used Tilapia, cut in small cubed pieces, culantro, garlic, salt, pepper, 5 lemons, aji amarillo(a yellow pepper that is a tiny bit hot and gives magnificant color to food) and onions. She puts the cubed pieces in the mixture and leaves it marinating for a couple of hours. Typically Peruvians eat it with white rice. My mom cooked a seasoned rice with the ceviche. Delicious....SO FREAKIN' GOOD!

Monday, June 29, 2009

This ones Peruvian


This weekend was great. Had Tracie's chicken Biryani which was delicious. After that amazing culinary experience all I remember was laughing and giggling. Let's just say I accidentally ate something that could potentially get you under the influence. ACCIDENTALLY. Anyway *giggle* we had the chicken biryani with some rice...I believe jasmine rice, and a lovely salad that I think Jenne made which complimented everything nicely. My favorite thing to eat is salad and rice...I know it's a little weird. It's what my grandmother cooks for me on my birthday...along with her delicious steak of my all time favorite dishes. I'm getting hungry again!

Today my mom cooked lomito saltado. A dish which is a staple Peruvian food. You can find it in any Peruvian restaurant anywhere. Basically, what it consist of is some sort of meat...either chicken or more commonly used steak, onions, bell pepper, tomatoes, and potatoes. Potatoes are usually cut french fries style and the base of the sauce consist of olive oil, tomato paste, garlic and other spices...depending on the cook. My mom uses her typical spices: Cumin, salsa Alfado(a.k.a salsa Lizano) and curry. When she made it today she used chicken breast a more healthier meat. The potatoes were boiled and sauteed with a little olive oil just to get them a nice crust on the outside cut width-wise down the potato(I don't know what they call that style)....not the french fries cut. Side dishes: Large steamed zucchini and a tomato/cucumber salad. Salad had a little salt olive oil and lemon....I love lemon:) Very nice meal not at all heavy like the typical Lomito Saltado with steak that's served with rice. Fully satisfied and a beautiful meal for the end of today.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sopa Negra

Last night my mom made pork roast and black beans and rice. I didn't have any because I went and got sushi with Howie and Jenne. I tried this Monk fish liver and it was delicious. Texturally it was like Pâté...tastewise it was fishy/livery.

So for breakfast....or should I say brunch...if you make black beans and rice, traditionally the next day for breakfast or brunch you make something of the leftovers. Most of the time my mom makes gallo pinto(I will write about that another day) BUT today she made sopa negra. Delicious! The black beans have all the flavor. They're seasoned with salt, pepper, olive oil, culantro, onions, garlic, cumin and curry powder. Then they're blended! After that you warm them up again and add the rest of the rice and hard boiled eggs. It's so creamy and delicious you want to just eat the whole pot. It's definite comfort food for me.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Baked Tilapia

Today was a wonderful day. I spent it taking frequent walks with Lola in the nice sun, while the cool breeze licked our precious little faces. Nothing better than that! Saw the tallest man ever! He looked like Thor. Really strange. Lola ran up to this really cute girl and I wanted to flirt with her but didn't...oh well. Maybe we will see her again and I won't be SO tongue tied.

Since it was a new week my mom and brother went grocery shopping at Pancho Villa. Everything they got was fresh and delicious. The bread, tortillas, and the veggies!

Today's dinner was going to be fish. Tilapia! A cheap fish but not necessarily a bad fish. She sprinkled salt, pepper, lemon, olive oil and baked the fish. It was served with baked yellow potatoes, garlic, onions, zucchini, green bell peppers sprinkled with salt/pepper/olive oil....or as I like to say "SPOO!". She made a basic salad w/ tomatoes, romaine lettuce and a basic vinaigrette. The fish was cooked perfectly and everything else was just nicely roasted with a golden crust that was delicious. Really easy cooking. Very simply ingredients. Check the pic!. No leftovers, we usually just make enough for everyone in the house. Sorry:( Now I'm craving something sweet:)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

It's been my pleasure

I've been very lucky in life to have been surrounded by wonderful delicious food. Since birth I've been eating outstanding Costa Rican meals(from my Costa Rican mother) and Peruvian meals(from my Peruvian father). My mother never stopped at just CR meals. She always cooked different things her way. Italian, Irish, Chinese, American...whatever the food whatever the holiday, she would add her touch of Costa Rican flavor...which is splash of Salsa Lizano.

Later on in life I met more people that can cook amazing food. My friends. I then jumped into the wonderful world that is the FOOD world...or I became a big foodie. Which the term foodie is not my fav. I perfer foodlover....but that's me. I love going to someone's house and everyone is in the kitchen. Some of us(me) are just there to entertain....we're all there for support and giving that food love and attention. Awwww, that's pretty damn good I must say. Coming together with friends or family to eat is a beautiful thing.

I don't cook...let me explain. I don't cook as much as I should. I'm hoping this blog will change that. I've created this blog to just talk about food. I don't want to review or criticize I just want to talk about food and the experiences we have with it. This is an open invitation for anyone to invite me over for breakfast/lunch/dinner...then I will post pictures and write how wonderful the food was...what we talked and laughed about. Mainly, in this blog I will talk about what my mom cooked each day and make you all hungry and jealous. I plan on visiting my Mexican aunt and try some home cooked meals from her, my adopted Cuban family who stuff me to the gills with great Cuban food. GINNY! You better make me some enpanadas before your ass goes to Italy for a whole darn year! Tracie you know I love me some of your cooking. Jenne, oh delicious Jenne, and your cookies and pies and brownies!

Hopefully, you all will be entertained by my witty words and smartass remarks. There's so much to do. Until we eat again...