Monday, August 24, 2009

Not chocolate but CHOCLO!

I hate to say that summer seems to be winding down. It's strange to me being born and raised in S. California that summer seems to end. People think it's summer all the time here...but it's not. There's a whole attitude and lifestyle behind's not all about the weather. San Diego I would describe the summers here as "The town were there's never an excuse to be inside". Unless, you are sick and even then it's not by choice that you are the spiritless world of the indoors. Lame.

Grilling is typically a summer thing all over the US. Here in SD it happens pretty frequent...possibly once a week...if not more:) My best friend that I've known since 2nd leaving for a year a broad. Destination:Italy...hehe that bitch! So in the spirit of coming together and wishing her fun adventures and safe travels our families reunited for an awesome going away party.

The menu:
Thin steak or carne asada(marinated)
Marinated chicken legs
fruit salad
tamale asado
tortilla...make your own tacos:)

So let's start with the Choclo. It is a type of large corn that is found in South America. The dish is cooked in many South American countries mainly Ecuador, Chile and Peru. The best way I can describe it...cornbread for the cholitos(indigenous people of the Andea's). The way it was presented at the party was in a form of a pie...pie tin. It has egg, corn meal/flour(?) choclo, herbs, spices...lot's of good stuff. We had "hot", "not too hot" and "not hot at all", versions of the Choclo. On to the grill. My bestie Ginny and her mom made the marinade for the carne asada and chicken legs. Lots of vinegar, salt/pepper, cilantro, onions, garlic, lemons, oil and the rest I have no idea but it was damn good! Ginny's mom also makes this amazing fruit salad...which is my favorite. She puts watermelon, mangos, strawberries, grapes, and I think that's it...can't think of the other things she puts in, but it is just the perfect thing to eat at the end of your meals. My mom made her bezcocho which is masa mixed with cheeses and taste like a really thick cheesy small tortilla. She also made a tamal asado which is prepared the same way bezcocho is except it's sweet not salty. The ingredient that makes it sweet is coconut milk and sugar. Yummy. Typically the bezcocho and tamal asado are had during the 9 days of prayer when some passes away...but my mom makes whenever because it is a rare treat and probably/maybe the only Tica(Female Costa Rican) that knows how to make it the US. I made myself a carne asada taco and grabed a chicken leg and filled my plate with salad, Choclo, rice and beans. Those were the highlights of the potluck. All the other snackies were also good. Everyone had a great time and were stuffed to the max! I'm gonna miss you Ginny but hopefully I will make it to Spain and you can go visit me there:) Ciao!

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