Sunday, November 15, 2009


I have amazing friends. They all have extraordinary talents and make life least for me. I was fortunate enough to get invited to EVEN BIGGER NIGHT at Mr. Howie’s house. If you are familiar with the 1996 movie Big Night with Tony Shalhoub and Stanley Tucci you get the reference. We had Timpano like they did in the movie. Timpano is an enigma of sorts. The best way to describe it is kinda like a calzone but with pasta. Which I have made fun of those pasta bowls from that one pizza chain restaurant. I mean really? Past in a bowl? I don’t get it! Let me tell you about Timpano. It had about 2 pounds of pasta, penne, thick cuts of salami, meatballs, marinara sauce, hardboiled eggs, and cheese. That is all incased in a thin dome crust. Everything weighed like 15 pounds or about the size of Evol the cat.

The evening was wonderful. Old and new friends sprinkled the table as the plates were being set. Laughter and smiles all around. Endless giggle fits between Zhee and I. Louis Prima floating in the air as beverages were being filled and butts were finding seats. The night was a celebration of the geometric figure...the DOME. Gotta love Jenne and Howie for their wacky sense of humor and theme.

The Timpano was delicious. The meatballs tasty and big. The salami EPIC! The pasta and sauce...fugetaboutit! The side dish of polenta and grilled veggies was outstanding. Sweet delicious veggies: egg plant, peppers, onions, and I think zucchini. Then there was dessert! Oh man, I mean really how can a dessert top this? Well, it did. We had a zuccotto which is a sliced pound cake decoratively placed in a bowl and then there’s cream filling and alcohol and nuts and chocolate involved and it’s just really freakin’ delicious. I want my wedding cake to be made out of this stuff because it’s completely everyway.

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