Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas food 2009 part 1

It's true. I love singing Christmas songs. The only place were I feel it is acceptable, is at Camp Steven's. My friend Jenne's(frequently mentioned and one of two of my subscribers, and of course best friend) parents, Vicki and Peter, help run Camp Steven's. Every Christmas they have a delightful caroling party at their home on the camp. The home is filled with friends and family, delicious food and colorful Christmas decorations. A warm feeling of home and love. After much noshing and nibbling we gather around the piano and are guided to sing our little hearts out. Truly so filled with Christmas spirit and love for those around you. A booklet of Christmas songs and holiday cheer, you feel like that kid again doing one of those recitals we are all familiar with. You become an 8yr-old spontaneously who just wants to sing and dance and show your stuff. Not something that's part of my Christmas tradition but very much welcomed and needed.

The Spread:

Artichoke dip made by Jenne. Creamy and delicious. The meats and cheeses: Ham, turkey, smoked salmon, blue cheese, aged jack, and brie...A slight hint to make your own sandwiches. Homemade goat cheese...yes, homemade. There was a mashed potato bar/buffet. Basically build your own mashed potato mound. Your options of toppings are: Bacon, cheese, sour cream, gravy, and other things I can't seem to remember...but they were excellent choices to put on your mashed up goodness I'm sure. Which if you are like me and love mashed potatoes as much as I do and would have them as a dessert...this idea is absolutely genius! Lots of beer and wine and libations galore. My favorite thing that was there on the table, surpassing the mashed potatoes...Pecan Dreams! YES! The Pecan Dreams are also known as Snowballs or Russian tea cakes. These are my favorite cookies EVER. Bite size buttery crisp-ness with pieces of pecan, formed into a little ball, and dipped in powder sugar so you can just toss it into your mouth. SO good!! Makes you want to smack yo' momma..."Momma!".

The next day we woke up and made breakfast. When I say "we", I mean everyone else except me. I didn't do anything which I feel bad about. BUT, I truly appreciate everyone who stepped up and made breakfast happen. The waffles, eggs, and potatoes were amazing and you guys(Steven, Tracie, Kaitlyn, Jenne and Howie) rocked. Special thanks to all that made this adventure in Julian happen. Howie for the ride. Peter and Vicki for their beautiful home and hospitality. Jenne for her ability to put up with all our craziness. Also, Peter and Vicki, thanks for showing me the trip to Tanzania you captured. Looks like you guys had a blast! I learned that lions during mating season, mate every 7-15 minutes. That is a lot of hoochie coochie as my mom would say. Goodtimes:)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Viva Cuba!

I have family everywhere and in every country it seems. A couple of years ago, my family had the privilege to meet the best Cuban family in the world. They came as refugees to this country without anything only clothes and pictures of a hard life they left behind. Since that faithful day they have bettered their lives and giving back to those less fortunate. Such a loving and beautiful family I feel eternally grateful to know them.

Every visit I make with my mom to their home is such a treat. Not only for our hearts but for our stomachs. As soon as we sit down at the table my Cuban grandma Yaya sets down plate after delicious plate of authentic Cuban food. Made with all the love and skill that little Yaya can muster. She's absolutely adorable, you seriously want to put her in your pocket. Yayo(Cuban grandpa) is so cute and adorable you just want to pinch his widdle cheeks and hold his hand forever.

The other day mom and I went. Yaya started us off with a nice espresso Cubano. We sip sipped away until the dishes showed up. On the menu: pork stew, chicken and potatoes, fried plantain chips, black beans, rice, and torrejas for dessert. The torrejas are like a french toast except fried a little longer topped with simple sugar syrup. In Costa Rica they use a sugar cane syrup. I love Yaya's torrejas. They are so rich but delicious. We ate and ate and ate, until we were stuffed. Yaya wondered why I didn't eat more. I said I was satisfied and don't eat as much as I did. Trying to be healthy and not eat too much. She turned to my mom and said, she didn't like it. I laughed and tried to convince her that everything was delicious but I wanted to watch my weight and be healthy. Finally after much pleading and playful arguing she accepted my decline...still looking at me unconvinced that I was telling her the truth. Next time I will go with an empty stomach and eat my brains out, just so I won't hurt Yaya's feelings.

I heart this family so much. They treat us like family. Lots of love and tremendous affection we share. They will be spending their holiday in Cuba with their family. I hope they have a safe trip filled with good food and good times. Happy holidays!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Turkey curry and the spirit of X-mas

Yes, it's Christmas time, or should I say holiday time. Whatever you celebrate, I'm pretty sure you are not with people you dislike. We tend to surround ourselves with people we like/love a lot. I think that is the main goal. Sharing our love and time with those that love us back is something truly special, or sharing our time with those that are less fortunate is a great gesture to humanity and to the holiday spirit. Trying to keep that alive during these challenging times is what separates us from the beast. THAT is the reason. I think if God were involved in some way which She tends to get suckered into these situations. She wouldn't want us to say "I am the reason for the season!". She, being humble, modest, and not narcissistic would want us to love, accept, and not judge each other. To, another words, come together and love.

Anyway, this holiday season I am really happy and thrilled and really looking forward to it. I'm cheerful about the holidays. Not about the gifts, because I do not give anyone anything other than my nieces and a few children a little something. More so one the people I plan on spending the holidays with. My friends, being family more or less, try each year to make a commitment and see each other before the new year. doesn't work all the time but that is the gift we give. No presents. Honestly, that's the gift I ever want from anyone....that and food of course:)

Last night I was invited over to Ms. Jenne's, sorta last minute situation, for some turkey curry. We had our choice of toppings. Toppings: Dried figs, almonds, BACON, green onions, and hard boiled egg. I had everything except for the eggs since they hurt my tummy. I've never had curry this way w/ toppings. I came to the conclusion that toppings on any kind of food is always a good idea. Sundaes, pizza, baked potato, salads, tostadas...etc. Every bite was exciting and filled with little joys around every corner. You had the crunch, you had the sweetness, you had the salty...and you had a party in your mouth. Rice being underneath it all. Oh rice, how I love you. Jenne, decided to do a side dish of fresh green beans topped with fried onions. We then discovered that the fried onions works well on anything....maybe even perhaps ice cream. KIDDING!

After our faces were stuffed with delicious turkey curry and seasoned green beans, we decided to go around the neighborhood and look at the Christmas decorations. Mr. Howie told us, "Be prepared to get ass raped by Christmas!"....such a way with words that gentle man. With a quick stop at 7-11 for some slurpees, drinks, pork rinds, and sour patch kids...we were off on a gay adventure(gay meaning happy). South Park was filled with lots of decorations! However, because we had a storm the day before, a lot of the decorations were down and not on. Sad:(. We still had loads of fun though. The night was ended with a soothing nutella hot cocoa topped with fresh vanilla whipped cream. Yummy:) It was a special night and I thank all that made it happen. Remember, this time of year is not about presents but more importantly presence in the lives of those you love.