Monday, November 29, 2010

The Alternative Thanksgiving for the Alternative Folks

Thanksgiving. A fake holiday that appeared out of nowhere, well it appeared somewhere in New England, and now infest our lives with gluttony. Delicious, naughty, gluttony. Let's be honest, it's a dumb holiday that shouldn't be celebrated. Us assholes need more than one day to be grateful. And honestly Canada I am disappointed that you joined the fad. Well, at least from what I hear it's not THAT big of a deal. Ok, I don't hate the holiday, but it's really silly.

I enjoy spending the day with the people I love, and eating my brains out, and watching football, just as much as the next guy...or lesbian. I just hate that they teach kids about the whole pilgrims and indians thing. That part is lame and just wish they would get rid of. Just teach the kiddies to not be selfish assholes and pass the damn potatoes! Don't use the phone at the table! Don't interrupt your uncle when he's ready to yell out some homophobic comment! Oh, wait...hmmm. Anyway, I digress.

This Thanksgiving, the Thanksgiving of 2010 was probably the best one I have ever had. Mainly because I didn't have to really impress anyone. It was stress free! Yay! Only 2 people came, we didn't have 5 desserts, we didn't have football, we didn't have awkwardly boring blessings, NOPE. Sadly none of those things happened. It didn't matter, because the 2 people that came were my girlfriend and I, we had 8 dishes, only one pie, and a fantastic iPod shuffle was going.

We had a list. A list that we worked 2 days on. A list that was left at the store. A list that was filled with yumminess. We decided to go shopping the day before(I know madness)and tackle anyone that got in our way. We went to 5 stores and almost got everything on the list except brussel sprouts. We marched on. Got home, unloaded and decided to chillax. No prep-cooking. We slept in and rolled out of bed. Coffee and breakfast, check! Now, lets start cooking!

We had an ALL vegan Thanksgiving extravaganza!

The Dishes:
Mashed Potatoes
Sourdough bread stuffing
Mushroom and red wine gravy
Sauted Green Beans
Roasted Root Veggies
Tomato Salad
Roasted Mock Dock

The Dessert:
Pumpkin Pie(Vegan, store bought, but delicious)

We chopped and cooked. I did some dishes. My GF did the others. We collaborated on some. Some we had trouble, but in the end, to our surprise, everything came out AMAZING. Our favorites were the stuffing and mushroom gravy. Both were first for us. The gravy was amazing and unintentional. We were trying to do something else(I forget what) and then we decided that gravy was a must. Stuffing, we never made and had no idea we got sourdough rolls instead of regular white bread rolls. The sourdough added such a great flavor with the gravy and everything else. It was incredible.

After we slaved for a couple of hours, and finally added the last touch to the mock duck: cranberry sauce. We sat down and enjoyed our hard work. Excited to try our feast! First bite was epic. We were extremely proud of ourselves. A little sad that no one else could try our hard work, but if someone else had come by our little celebration, it wouldn't have come out this great. The no added pressure of cooking for others was what made the meal. We had zero expectations and just kept saying, "It's just for 2". That made things go really well.

We stuffed our faces to satisfaction. We chilled, watched a movie, went for a walk, and then we had pie. That came out perfect. Really delicious, not too sweet pumpkin pie with whipped cream. Oh, yes. Seconds please! Nom! I looked at my lady and gave her a kiss and said that I loved her and had the best Thanksgiving ever. We sat in utter bliss as the night fell on us.

Thanksgiving, you are one of my favorite holidays, but really to me you don't need to be this perfect , traditional, (un)patriotic bullcrap. You are beautiful just the way you are.

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