Sunday, February 28, 2010

Black Eyed Peas:Ate some luck for the New Year

I'm a little behind in the food adventures. Mind you, I have had some the best food EVER these past months!

My amigo Howie had invited me to a New Years black eyed peas celebration. Black eye peas for the new year brings you luck, so I ate a whole truck load! The aforementioned festivities where at our friend Cauleen's lovely home. We arrive as the sun went down, so the air was thick with anticipation, as the purple haze of mystery followed our steps as we arrived at our final destination. I, didn't know what to expect.

We step into the cozy home and are greeted warmly with hugs and my favorite A beautiful table set up with elegant colors from the citrus salad. Deepest of reds...grapefruits, blood oranges and if memory serves, sprinkled with pomegranate seeds. Love anything that involves citrus. Our host guides us to the kitchen which is a field of pots staring at us, waiting for the harvest. I have a smile from ear to ear, because I know, that good food comes from pots. We dig into the collard greens(Veggie and meat options), Hoppin' Johns(also Veg and Meat options), pot of white rice(my heroin), mac'n'cheese, stuffing, corn bread, and pulled pork. Honestly, one of the best pulled pork situations I have ever had. It was spiced just right and boy was it just melting in your mouth. Man, that was delicious. The Hoppin Johns(Black eyed peas dish) were fantastic and went excellently well with the white rice...I love things that go well with white rice or rice period. Collard greens were mopped with goodness and fresh. The mac'n'cheese was one of the best I've had. Everything hands down was excellent.

After getting seconds, so much for the New Year resolutions, we sat around and conversed about all the madnesses of the world. Ate cookies, and bread and drank wine and whatever else was around. Fat and stupid from the amazing food, it was time to go. Feeling a since of 'We just conquered something' we stepped proudly into the night. Beast wanting more. That dinner was intoxicating. Very grateful for the awesome food and wonderful host. Boy are we lucky. Next time I'm getting thirds.

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